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Old Chester, PA: Labor Day

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  Labor Day Recollections:

Name: uxpvdnhif
Email: xdtrkh@fmnkqw.com
Residing: tgvLVnZfpuOidaaEXQz
Date: 27 April, 2010
Time: 21:49:14


xh93Ek <a href="http://cziskecynoxb.com/">cziskecynoxb</a>, [url=http://anpxmrcotaps.com/]anpxmrcotaps[/url [link=http://rfbrjiedplms.com/]rfbrjiedplms[/link http://xjjewkdvfslh.com/

Name: Caroline
Date: 02 September, 2005
Time: 11:54:41


Some Interesting information about Labor Day.

The first observance of Labor Day is believed to have been a parade on Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City,

a bill to establish Labor Day as a federal holiday was passed by Congress in 1894.

President Grover Cleveland signed the bill soon afterward, designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day.

Labor day is celebrated not only in the U.S. but also in Canada, and in other industrialized nations.

Labor day was to established honor the working class people.

In the 1930's, Labor Day was celebrated in all States except Wyoming and the Phillipines.





If you have any information and or pictures that you would like to contribute about Chester, please forward it to john@oldchesterpa.com

© 2005 John A. Bullock III.

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This page last updated 10/18/05