Chester, PA |
The City of Chester On-Line!
The official website of the City of Chester, PA
Business Association
The Chester Business Association is committed to the economic growth and development within the City of Chester. Members meet regularly to network and share information that will help member companies increase sales, market share, growth, and profitability.
The purpose of this website is simple, to communicate the thoughts, ideas and activities of the people of Chester. We want to create a vehicle that the citizens of this city can connect with their neighbors, former Chester residents as well as anyone interested in learning more about our great city.
"Chester's Online Journal!"
Photo Gallery of Chester City Sights & People updated every Wednesday!
"The Chester
Chester's Favorite Community Paper, launched in April 2006
Chesteryes.com was created to provide a central location, an online hub, for people and businesses to access current information on the exciting happenings in the city. Take a few minutes and explore the site. From waterfront development to Harrah's Chester Downs, big things are happening in the city. It's no wonder, every day more and more people are saying YES to Chester!
FAIR Deal Coalition
The FAIR Deal Coalition of Chester is determined to give voice to those with the biggest stake in the advent of legalized gambling in Chester.
Chester Community Improvement Project
"CCIP's mission is to assist with the revitalization of the city of Chester by building the base of home ownership." This mission is accomplished through housing rehabilitation, new construction, and mortgage counseling programs."
Housing Authority
The official website of the Chester Housing Authority
Widener University
Chester, PA
(formerly PMA - Pennsylvania Military Academy, PMC - Pennsylvania Military College,
and Widener College)
Foods |
Following are links to some
of the favorite foods of Delaware County and Philadelphia, PA. For those now living
outside the area, some just offer the ability to wet your taste buds and learn more about
the company. Many, however, offer the opportunity to actually order some of your
favorites online or to locate a source near you! - I've never tried ordering any of these
online but I'd be interested in hearing from anyone who has. Amoroso Baking Company
Well, it's not our own Buono Brothers Bakery of W 2nd
Street in Chester, but it's about as close as I've been able to find yet online.
Sorry, no online ordering for individuals but at least you can drool over their baked
goods and perhaps encourage your local grocer to stock their products.
Chester, PA
The Chester original! - You can order online for FedEx
Priority mail, delivered the next business morning!
Towne House Restaurant
Media, PA
Pictures and history of this legendary Delaware County
establishment founded in 1951 by Silvio "Babe" D'Ignazio plus complete menus to
browse through!
Herr's Potato
Chips & Pretzels
You can actually order some of their chips & pretzels
Philly Food in Media, PA
Lots more than just pretzels! - Hoagies, Cheese Steaks, TastyKakes, Soft Pretzels,
Maglio's Italian Sausage, Habbersette Scrapple, Goldenberg's Peanut Chews bars, Frank's
Black Cherry Wishniak, Philadelphia Butter Cake, Taylor Pork Roll, Amoroso Rolls, - Hungry
yet? - Follow the link above, you can order online and they'll ship overnight most
of Philadelphia
Several options for overnight delivery of some of Philly's
favorite foods including Soft Pretzels, Bookbinders Soup & OTC Crackers, Frank's Black
Cherry Wishniak Soda, Goldenberg's Peanut Chews, Herr's Chips & Pretzels, Hoagies,
Cheesesteaks & TastyKake Cakes & Pies!
Tasty Baking Co. offers gift boxes that you can order
online as well as a source locator for finding their products closest to you.
Wawa Food Markets
No online ordering, but they do have an interesting
history of the company, a hoagie history and a store locator for those in Pennsylvania,
New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia.
Genealogy |
Chester County Genealogy
(Part of the PA Gen Web) Chester
County Genealogy (Mary McIndoe)
County Archives
340 North Middletown Road, Building 19
Lima, PA
Delaware County Genealogy
Historical Societies & Organizations |
Chester Historical Preservation Committee
Meets the second Wednesday of each month, 7:30 p.m. at the
Chester Friends Meetinghouse, 24th & Chestnut
The Committee's book, "Chester",
(128 pages with over 200 pictures) scheduled for release in November 2004
will be available at this year's Holiday Open House Tour. For more about
it, please visit their web site.
The Chester Historical
Preservation Committee Presents The Chester High School Commemorative Ornament
These limited edition 24kt gold finish ornaments are
available for $19.95
To reserve yours, please call 610-872-4497

Annual Open House Tour of
Historic Chester homes
Each year during the holiday season, the Chester
Historical Preservation Committee sponsor a Sunday afternoon tour of historic Chester
homes. The tour begins at 1:00 p.m. at the Friends Meetinghouse at 24th & Chestnut
Streets. Tickets are $8 per person.
Delaware County Historical Society (DCHS)
DCHS Research Library:
408 Avenue of the States
Chester, PA 19013
Library Hours:
Wednesdays 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Thursdays 1- 8 p.m.
Fridays 9 - 4 p.m.
Saturdays 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Click here for a list of Research
Resources available at DCHS.
As of Saturday October 28, 2006 DCHS has relocated the research library to the former bank building at 4th & Market Street
(Avenue of the States) in Chester. The building is next to Chester's
1724 Courthouse.
County History
Links to:
Delaware County Historical Society
Bethel Township Preservation Society
Friends of the Caleb Pusey House, Inc.
Chester Heights Camp Meeting Association
Chester Historic Preservation Committee
Concord Township Historical Society
Friends of Old St. Thomas
Haverford Township Historical Society
Nether Providence Historical Society
Rick Nicholson, rick@dca.net, is also in the process of posting the entire "1884
History of Delaware County" by H. G. Ashmead on this site.
Here's the direct link to the beginning of the pages that pertain specifically to the city
of Chester:
Descendants of
the Signers of the Declaration of Independence (DSDI)
An association of direct lineal descendants of the the men who inscribed their
names upon the first page of the history of the United States of America. The
association is devoted to the promotion of the ideas expressed in the Declaration.
Historical Society
Libraries |
County Archives
340 North Middletown Road, Building 19
Lima, PA
Delaware County Library System Online
J. Lewis Crozer
620 Engle Street
Chester, PA 19013
Phone: 610-494-3454
FAX: 610-494-8954
Email: crozerlibrary@delco.lib.pa.us
Mon-Thurs. 9:00am-8:00pm
Fri. & Sat. 9:00am-4:00pm
Summer hours: Same as above except
Saturdays 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Museum & Library
298 Buck Road East
Wilmington, DE
Maps |
Chester County Maps
(Compliments of Nadine Holder)"Since I didn't offhand see old maps of Chester County on
your site thought you might be interested in linking to our Chester County Map page.
(If the page doesn't come up Yahoo/Geocities is often really busy at peak times and
gives a message page cannot be found instead of saying they are way over capacity!)"
Neighboring Communities |
Old Aston Township
[This site is temporarily unavailable as of March 26, 2002. As soon as I hear from
"Joker" Jack, I'll get the link re-connected.]Congratulations to our regular visitor and frequent contributor, "Joker"
Jack Chambers, on the opening of his oldastontownship.com! The
purpose of the website, which is a non profit venture, is to establish a location for the
collection of facts and folklore about old times in Aston Township history, and news and
views of the people who made up the township in those olden days. The site also includes
current news and information about Aston Township. Although the web site has no connection
to and is not endorsed by the Aston Township Historical Society, Jack will share with the
Aston Township Historical Society any information obtained.
Township, Delaware County, PA
Delaware County, PA
Delaware County,
PA - Commerce Center
County Courthouse & Government Center
Media, PA - Everybody's Hometown
Providence Township
PA - The Village Online
Pictures of most every business in the Borough of Swarthmore (including a
beautiful picture of The Ingleneuk before the fire in the spring of 2000!)
Presented by M. Christensen Associates, Inc., Multimedia
& News |
Accessible Archives
Primary Source Material from 18th & 19th Century Periodicals.
Over 100 Million Searchable WORDS:
Godey's Ladys Book 1830-1880
The Pennsylvania Gazette 1728-1800
The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective, November 1860 - April 1865
African American Newspapers: The 19th Century
The Pennsylvania Newspaper Record: Delaware County 1819-1870
The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalogue: Chester County 1809-1870
The Delaware County
Daily Times
(formerly The Chester Times)
The Polish American Journal
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