The Civil War
Spanish-American War
Chester veterans surviving and
participating in Chester's Armistice Day program in 1927 were:
P. J. Doyle
Fred Swallow
Milton W. Kemp
Henry Bailey
Edward Bell
Monte S. Montague
World War I
Listing of World
War I veterans taken from the program book from a Citizens Reception held
on June 20-21, 1919.
Clarence Buckalew, Chester's last return dead from France -
Photo courtesy of Tom Bulger
World War II
Listing of
World War II veterans as submitted by visitors to the website
War Veterans (listing as submitted by visitors to the website)
taken at Great Lakes Boot Camp of a Chester group who enlisted in the Navy
in 1950 when the Korean War broke out. - Photo courtesy of John (Jack)
"During the Korean War there were a lot
of teenagers that became Ground Observers. We were members of the Ground
Observers Corps of the U.S. Air Force. We were assigned by the Air Force
and had to observe what was flying. We were given a chart of planes and a
code. We did this on the old YMCA on 7th street. We
had to take an elevator to the roof. Each week end an Air Force Lieutenant
would pick up our logs. After the war we had a ceremony and received wings
saying Ground Observers Corps. We had to put in 4 hours each shift.
It was quite beautiful during the Xmas Season looking all over from the roof.
A lot of us had a good time doing this job and enjoyed being able to do
something for our country."
- Madeline
Veterans (listing as submitted by visitors to the website) Vietnam casualties whose home of record was Chester,
Gulf War, Iraqui Freedom and other recent conflicts
(listing as submitted by visitors to the
Veterans' Organizations
Convention Photo, Atlantic City, 1912; Photo courtesy of Jacki Frye Stein
Unidentified Civil War Veteran 1920;
Photo courtesy of Tom Bulger
Soldiers' Memorial 1919; Photo courtesy of Tom Bulger
Tractors on Market Street 1919 & 1920; Photos courtesy of Tom Bulger
Company B, 28th Division of the 111th Infantry
- c. 1962 marching at 15th & Walnut Sts. to PMC; Photo courtesy of Lee
American Legion Glee Club
"Does anyone remember the American Legion Glee Club? Was led by Ben Price and the members met upstairs over the Ben Price Delicatessen on Sproul street between 9th and 8sts. My father sang with the group. His name was John H. O'Brien. I don't remember any of the other men's names as I was just a little girl at the time. He was also a policeman with the
Chester Police Force from 1938 to 1963."
- Lillie May Pizza
Poem: A Veteran died
courtesy of Helen M.
(Webber) Imburgia, hmwebber@aol.com

He was getting old and paunchy,
and his health was failing fast,
And as he sat around the Legion telling stories of his past.
Of the war that he had fought in,
of the deeds that he had done.
In his exploits with his buddies,
they were heroes, everyone.
And 'tho sometimes to his neighbors,
his tales became a joke,
All his buddies listened,
for they knew where of he spoke.
But we'll hear his tales no longer,
for 'ol Bob has passed away,
and the world's a little poorer,
for a Veteran died today.
No, he wasn't mourned by many,
just his children and his wife,
for he lived an ordinary,
very quiet sort of life.
He held a job and raised a family,
quietly going on his way;
And the world won't note his passing,
'tho a Veteran died today.
When politicians leave this earth,
their bodies lie in state,
While thousands note their passing,
and proclaim that they were great.
The papers tell of their life stories,
from the time that they were young.
But the passing of a Veteran
goes unnoticed and unsung.
Is the greatest contribution
to the welfare of this land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise
and cons his fellow man?
Or the ordinary fellow,
who in time of war and strife,
Goes off to serve his country
and offers up his life?
The politician's stipend
and the style in which he lives
Are sometimes disproportionate
to the service that he gives.
While the ordinary Veteran
who offered up his all,
Is paid off with a medal and
perhaps a pension small.
It's so easy to forget them,
for it is so long ago,
That our Bobs and Jims and Johnnys
went to battle, but we know.
It was not the politician,
with his compromise and ploy,
Who won for us this freedom
that our country now enjoys.
Should you find yourself in danger
with your enemies at hand
Would you really want some cop-out
with his ever waffling hand,
Or would you want a Veteran,
who has sworn to defend,
His home, his kin, and Country,
and fight until the end?
He's just a common Veteran
and his ranks are growing thin,
But his presence should remind us,
we may need his like again.
For when countries are in conflict,
we find the Veteran's part
Was to clean up all the troubles
that the politicians start.
If we cannot do him honor,
while he's here to hear the praise,
Then at least let's give him homage,
at the ending of his days.
Perhaps a simple headline
in the paper that might say,
Our Country is in Mourning,
for a Veteran died today.