Class Reunions
Classified Ads
Fire Department
Funeral Homes
Post Office

Monument at the entrance to the Chester
Police Department on 7th Street
dedicated to the memory of the deceased members of Chester Police Department.
In Memory of Chester Officers Killed in the Line of Duty ~ |
Winter Allen, Jr. |
The first Chester Police officer
killed in the line of duty while trying to settle a domestic dispute on February 1, 1902.
He was shot once each in the leg, hand and chest. |
Beverly |
Killed in the line of duty in
the West End of Chester, October 16, 2001 |
Carter |
Killed in 1974 while making a
vehicle stop regarding a holdup that had taken place the day before. |
Arlington Conner |
Killed in the line of duty,
early 1900's. |
Hawkins |
Officer Hawkins, "Lady
Hawk", was killed in the line of duty from a gunshot wound on July 2, 1993. She was
answering a domestic dispute call between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. |
Kowalski - 19 |
Officer Kowalski was killed on
December 16, 1929 at the Lincoln Restaurant, 3rd & Flower St., after being dispatched
to a fight. |
Padgett - 19 |
Officer Padgett was shot four
times by a demented on the street as he was trying to pursuade the man to go home. |
Ellery Purnsley |
Detective Purnsley was Chester's
first african-american detective. He was killed in action during the "Market Street
Massacre" on November 6, 1948 |
In Memory of Chester Officers who died while in the Line of Duty ~ |
"Larry", "Big Louie" John Fiorelli |
Died Aug 7, 1986,
in the line of duty from Leukemia, due to the Toxic Wade Dump) Philip "Phil" Conte, architect and husband of
Michellene (Fiorelli), daughter of Larry Fiorelli has designed the Delaware County
Memorial for Police Officers who died in the line of duty in Delaware County, PA.
This Police Memorial will soon be placed in Rose Tree Park.
Helen M. (Webber) Imburgia, (mother of
Michellene) - 33 |
Police Chiefs:
Nicholas Knight (1889-1890) (1)
Chief Berry (1899)
Luke Arlington Conner (?) - 4
James Newsome (before 1903)
Chief William Leary (c. 1902, 1903)
William H. Williams (c. 1905-1908)
S. B. Pennington (c. 1908-1911)
Edward McCarey (c. 1908-1911)
William Clendenning (South Chester borough before 1924)
John Vance (c. 1911-1920, 1923-1931)
Harry Robinson (1930's) - 12
James H. Deavenport (c. 1920)
Geo J. Feeney (c. 1941)
Andrew J. Desmond Jr. (1950)
Roy Seaman (1953 until his retirement in 1955) - 29, 30
Howard Winfree (1956-1964) [Photograph] [Obituary] - 11
Joseph M. Bail, Sr., (1964-1976) (d. 1991; Father of Sgt. Joseph Bail, Jr.) - 22
John Taylor (Deputy Chief October 1971 - January 1974) In January 1974 John Taylor
retired from the Chester Police Department to become Sheriff of Delaware County) - 30
Herbert Wright (1976-1978) - 22
William Hoopes (1978-1980) (replaced by Mayor Nacrelli,
after Nacrelli was indicted by the U.S. Govt.) - 22
William P. Hamilton, Jr. (1980-1981) - 22
John Owens (1981-1985) (Son of Capt. James L. Owens; wore his
father's badge when he was a Captain) d. October 28, 1991 - 21, 22,
Richard Conway (1985-1987) (Father of patrolman Paul Conway) - 22
Larry Crews (1987-1992) - 22
James Clark (1992-1996) Was a retired Deputy Commissioner from Philadelphia. -
Wendell Butler (1996-October 9, 2002). Served as Police Commissioner in place of Chief of
Police. 22 Former Police Commissioner
Butler was appointed Mayor by city council on October 9, 2002 to complete Mayor
Pileggi's term which expires in 2004.
John J. Finnegan, Chief of Police
(February 12, 2003 - Present) a thirty (30) year veteran of the department and rose thru the ranks from patrolman to his current rank of Chief of Police
- 63
Samuel D'Amato, (a Detective for over 25 years then became County Fingerprint man), d.
5/19/1981 [Picture]
Was married to Myrtle Winfree, sister of Police Chief Howard Winfree) - 18
Detective Baynes (?-1927-?)
Pasquale (Pat) DiDomenicis (Joined
force Jan 9, 1947, promoted to detective Dec. 15, 1953 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Randolph (Randy) Dixon (retired) (father of Cyrise Dixon who moved on to the FBI Dept.) - 31
M. Blickley (January 1954 - Retired c. 1976) - 56
James M. Ettner (April 1946-1973), (a Detective Sergeant at the time of his retirement)
[Biography] -
Capt. Commodore Harris (1989)
F. Laws, Sr. (Promoted to Detective January 1, 1949; retired 1968) [Biographical
Dan McCarthy - 23
[My uncle] Dan McCarthy, Detective, died
very young in the early 40's. Lived across the street from St James High School. Wife, Francis, son Dan & daughter, Francis.
Paul McKinney (1949)
John Mullen (1955-Captain of Detectives at retirement in 1993; d. August 18,
2002) - 6
Capt. John F. Owsiany (1950)
Ellery Purnsley
Detective Purnsley was Chester's first african-american
detective. He was killed in action during the "Market Street Massacre" on November 6,
1948. (killed in action) - 25
Stanley F. Rogozinski (Jan. 28,
1930; promoted to detective July 11, 1940 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Bart Spedden (Apr. 15, 1950-1974) [Biography]
d. 3/2001 - 13
Leander A. Tassoni (Oct.
16, 1939, promoted to detective Nov. 1, 1945 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Frank E. Toole (Apr.
15, 1937, promoted to detective Nov. 1944 -?)
[Biography] - 39, 62
Current (2001) Detectives: - 28
John Tyler (d. 1994) - 57
Anthony "Tony" M. Polites
- d. 11/23/2004
Joe Hampel
Todd Nuttall
Darrin Alston (Named acting Sergeant in August 2002)
Anita Amaro
Louie Rodriguez
Lamont Graves
Mark Allen
Cpl. Robert Archacki, Badge #200 (1993-Present; Promoted to Corporal in June
2002) - 51
Gerald Askins - 38
Sgt. Joseph Bail, Jr. (son
of former Chief, Joseph M. Bail, Sr.; between them they have over
64 years of service to the Department) - 22
Sgt. William Baker (retired) - 19
Michael Bartish [Biography} - 39,
Paul M Battinieri #253 (June 2002 - Present)
- 69
Nate Battle (partner of Michael
"Pat" Brown) (deceased c. 1990) - 41
William J Baynes (retired 1950 after 33 years of service)
Grady Berrin (deceased) - 19
Oakley Berry - (deceased) "one of the finest, who in
his time walked from his home, up on the hill, down Central Ave. and always walked
in the street to his post at 9th & Central Ave. to help the school children cross the
streets." - 31 [Biography]
Michael Beverly (Killed in the line of duty October 16, 2001) - 19
Cpl. Joseph Bingnear, (5/12/67 - 2/18/94) (deceased) - 19, 43
Robert Bingnear - 19
Scott Birely ( now CID) - 19
Off Walt Birney (1992) - 2
Thomas Boden (retired) - 19
William Bodie (retired) - 19
Vincent Boles (October 10, 1938 - 1968) (d. 1982) [Biography]
- 39, 62, 67
John A. Bondrowski (1964- retired 1993) - 17
Jonathan Boyd (d. 1998)
John C. "Snakes" Boyle (October 16, 1939 - ?) - 39 [Biography]
Joseph C. Boyle [Biography] - 39,
Robert "Bobby" J. Boyle Sr. (d. March 28, 1988; died from cancers as a result of the Wade Dump fire) son of John C.
"Snakes" Boyle - 19,
39 [Obituary]
Sgt. Boyle (deceased) - 19
John Bradley (deceased prior to 1977)
Thomas Bright (active) - 19
Robert Brockway (retired, went to Trainer PD) - 19
Michael "Pat" Brown (partner of Bob Goins & Nate Battle)
(deceased) - 19, 41
William Buonocore (c. 1968 - retired 1991, d. October 2004) - 72
Sgt. Buscher (Motorcycle Squad c. 1922 - Photo)
- 54
Officer Cain (1899)
Charles Cannon (1925)
James J. "Jim" Carr, Jr. (was K-9 at on time) - 19 (Officer James J Carr, Jr expired 20 years ago in Nov [c. 1981], was a
member of the K-9 corps, dog's name was Shane, Off Carr, was in the Juvinile Div when he
died. He was the Pres of the FOP, at time of death. Two of his sons are now Police
Officers - James J Carr III & Patrick J Carr). - 32
James J. "Jim" Carr III (member of the
unit; his dog is Nero)- 32
Patrick J. Carr (member of the Narc. unit; his dog is Rex) - 32
Michael Carter (Killed in line of duty, 1974) - 19
Harry Cello (1945 - 1949 - ?) [Biography}
Capt Albert F. "Al" Chess (1992) (d. November 21, 2001) - 2
Sgt. Pearly Clark (deceased) - 19
Nelson Collins (Promoted to Corporal in June 2002)
Sgt. Frank Conley (retired) - 19
Thomas F. Conley - mounted Police (d. 1959)
Luke Arlington Conner - 4
"Actually 'I think' he was Chief of Police.
He was killed on duty. This was in the early 1900's. His name was put on the
Washington Monument a few years ago."
Sgt. Bill (William Raymond) Connors (1950- d. 1972) [Biography]
2]- 10
Paul Conway (Son of former Chief
Richard Conway) - 22
Cpl. Richard Conway (1974)
Julius Constantine (July 15, 1948 - 1949 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
David Coulter (Son of Ella Coulter. Between the two, they had almost 35 years of
service in the Chester Police Department.) - 19
Ella Coulter (Mother of David Coulter. Ella started out as a crossing guard with
the city, then worked as the first Police Matron and Meter Maid in the city, then went
into the Magistrates' Office for a while, and then went into the juvenile department until
she passed away.) - 19
Nathaniel Lee Covert (January 2, 1953 - 1975) [Biography]
[Obituary]- 39, 62
Mark Crawford - (September 2000-Present) - 36
Robert Crawford (briefly) - 19
Anthony V. Cresta (December 10, 1941 - 1949 - ?) [Biography]
Jane Curren 2nd Police Matron (Mother of Sgt. Jack Curren)- 19, 26
Sgt Jack Curren (1993) - 2
Samuel L. D'Amato (Dec. 10, 1941 -
?; became Detective Nov. 26, 1945) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Sgt. Alan Davis- (Hired 11-21-1989 until Present, 2007) was in motorcycle squad weights and measure, promoted to Corporal then promoted to Sgt. Currently the Juvenile division supervisor.
- 75
Joe DeCarlintonio (retired) - 19
Captain Joseph F. Denmark (April 4, 1920 - ?) - 42
Alfred DePrisco (February 15, 1943 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Joseph F. Devlin (December 10, 1941 - 1949 - ?) [Biography]
Cyrise Dixon (daughter of Det.
Randolph (Randy) Dixon; moved on the the FBI Dept.) - 31
James "Mike" Docherty (October 16, 1951 - ?, d. 2/18/2003) [Biography]
- 61
Fred J. Dugan (October 25, 1945 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Daniel S. Elder (Badge 41; June
1972 - retired August 3, 2001) - 55
Det. Bud Emannuel (retired) - 19
Charlie Evers (disability) - 19
Corporal Charles Fell # 76 (1989-Present) He started as a patrolman and then went into the Accident Investigation Division and then became Quartermaster. He was recently
promoted to Corporal in June 2005. - 73
Tom Fennell (March 1970-retired August 1989)
- 25
Frank A. Figiniak (February 15, 1938 - ?) Last man to ride a horse in the
Chester Police Department [Biography]
- 39, 62
Thomas Finn (retired) - 19
John Finnagin - 19
Otto Fontaine (active) - 19
Lawrence "Larry", "Big Louie" John Fiorelli (Died Aug 7, 1986, in the
line of duty from Leukemia, due to the Toxic Wade
Dump) - 33, 19
Jim Forsyth (retired) - 19
Steve Fox (active) - 19
Inspector Donald Franklin (retired) - 19
Horace Fulton (February 15, 1943 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Lloyd H. Garman (Nov. 1, 1938 -
1950 - ?) [Picture] [Biography
& Picture]
Det. Thomas E. Gibbons (October 16, 1951 - ? retired) [Biography]
- 19
Officer Glennan (?-1902-?)
Robert Goins (partner of Michael
"Pat" Brown) (d. December 31, 2001)- 19, 41
Johnny Gorham (by 1949 had become a bodyguard for President Truman)
Officer Gorman - ("Drove the white police car and was in charge of the safety
patrols at the schools.") - 8
Anthony Granese (d. c. 1950)
Robert Graves - (September 2000-Present) - 36
Samuel Wm. Green (Jan. 23, 1954-1974) retired and moved to Ireland [Biography]
- 7
John Greenhalgh, Badge #003, (Part time May 1988 - February 1989, June 1989 -
Present) - 53
Otto Greenleaf (retired; d. 8/25/2002) - 19
Joseph F. Greenwalt (April 1, 2002 - present) - 49
Major Joseph W. Greenwalt (1973-retired August 1999)- 19, 35
John S. Gretsky (retired, d. 3/19/2005) - 19
Levi Griffin (c. 1929 - 1954 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
George Guyer, Jr., Badge #220 (August 1994 - present) - 52
Rocco Guzzo (1974)
Rocco J. Guzzo, Jr. thirteeh years with city
John Hager (one of the first
motorcycle units in Chester - Photo) - 54
Joe Hamel - 19
William (Billy) Hamilton (over 24 years of service in 1925)
William P. Hamilton, Jr. (c. 1954 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Joe Hampel (April 23, 1973 - Present, 2005 - active) - 19
Sgt. John Hampel 1966 to 1992
Sgt. John C. "Jack", "Big John" Hausmann (July 13, 1957 -
February 2, 1983) [Biography] - 61
Connie Hawkins (Killed in line of duty) - 19
Michael Haynes (disability) - 19
Victor Heness - (September 2000-Present) - 36
James Hines (1925)
Daniel Hoffman (active September 2000-Present) - 24, 36
Capt. Francis L. Holt (July 1938 - ?) [Biography]- 20
Capt. William Hoopes (retired) - 19
Kathryn/Katherine W. Hopkins (police Matron, d. 1963)
Capt. Walter Hoyle (retired) - 19
Sgt. Anthony W. Iacono (July 1948
1949-1993) (Anthony
Iacono retired as an Inspector (with the rank of Major) in 1993 after serving 44 years with the dept.)
[Biography] - 22
Inspector Anthony Iacono (retired) - 19
Daniel Iacono (retired) - 19
James Ianni (retired) - 19
Charles Ireland (before 1952)
James Jardine (December
10, 1941 - ?) [Biography] - 39, 62
Norm Jacobs - 19
James Jardin (deceased) - 19
Eddie Johnson (1940's, 1950's) - 12
Off George Johnson (1992) - 2
Roger (?) Johnson - 8
Demoss Jones - 38
Jennifer Jones - 38
Richard Jones (retired) - 19
Vincent (Jimmy) June (Mounted policeman c. 1938-39) - 15
("...my great uncle, William Ross
Zimmer, served on the Chester Police Force. He and Vincent (Jimmy) June were the last
of the horse mounted police in Chester. When the horses were put out to pasture these men
became motorcycle mounted policemen. Bill Zimmer was a WW1 veteran and is buried in
Soldier's Circle at Chester Rural Cemetery.) - 27
John Kaisner (returned to active duty on
January 7, 2002 after being retired on disability) - 34
John F. Kandravi (1949, retired 1950) [Photo]
Joseph Kane III. (July 6, 1993 - Present)
Patrolman Keeley (1924)
John W. Ketchell (Sept. 1, 1938 - 1949
- ?) [Biography]
Robert T. Kinlaw (March 16, 1949 -
? ) [Biography] - 39, 62
Christopher Knight (September 2000-Present), son of officer William Knight. - 36
William Knight (retired) - 19
Francis Kowalski (killed in the line of duty 12/16/1929) - 19
Salvatore M. Laganelli (December
19, 1951 - 1953 - ?) [Biography]
Tommy Lanahan (1930's) - 12
Sgt. Joseph Lastowka (1975)
Theodore F. Laws, Sr. (Feb. 15, 1945 - Retired 1968) [Biographical
Arthur Layton - 19
Fred Leary (? - 1927 - retired 1950)
Isaac Leary (1899)
Burnell Lee - 38
Marilyn N. Lee-Adams (1994 - Present, 2003)- 68
Major Ronald F. Lewandowski (has served for over 30 years as of 2002) - 44
Dan Lewis (1978 - Retiring 2/2/2002) - 37
Floyd Lewis Sr. - 19
Floyd Lewis Jr. - 19
Al Loeper (retired) - 19
Joe Lombardo (d.) - 61
Walter Loveland - 19
William F. Lykens (August 1, 1937 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Cliff McClain - 19
Ed McCllean - 19
Stanley L. McDowell (April 12, 1920 - c. 1954 - ? ) [Biography]
- 39, 62
William McGoldrick #228 (1998-2005; Transferred to Upper Darby Twp. Police Dept. effective 4/13/2005) - 13
Ed McKay - (Hired July 1983 - Retired July 2003) - 74
James MacColl (retired 1994) - 45
Capt Russ MacLean (1992) - 2, 16
Dale Mancini - 19
Slim Marton (Motorcycle 1930's) - 12
Fred Marvel (briefly) - 19
Edward J. Mea (October 16, 1951 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Harry Megonigal Sr.
Leroy Miah - 19
Donald Miller (Disability) - 19
Roy H. Moore (March 15, 1949 - 1953 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Capt. Carl P. Morelli (1940's - 1960's) - 59
"My father, Carl P.
Morelli, retired as
Captian (1940s-1960s). He went on to serve as chief of police in Parkesburg, PA. Also served as deputy sheriff of Chester County, PA. He passed away in 1992."
El'lan Morgan #223 (c. 1997 - Present)
Mark Morgan #205 (c. 1995 - Present)
Paul L. Morgan (Jan 23, 1954(?) - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
John E. Mullen (1955-retired 1993) [Biography]
- 6
Patrick Mullen (son of John Mullen)- 6
Chester Murach - 24
Jim Nickerson (active) - 19
James Nolan IV (Named acting Corporal, August 2002)
Officer John H. O'Brien
(1938 - retired 1963, d. 4/8/1971 in Bisbee, AR) [Biography]
- 58
"Officer John H. O'Brien was on the Chester Police Force on the Motorcycle Squad. His partner was John
Contravie. Later he was on street Patrol on Edgmont Ave.
In l957 while on Patrol, he thought he was seeing things. Right in front of him were two cars parked, one in front of the other with the same license plate numbers. He notified the owners , Mrs. Jan E. Johnson and Attorney Paul C. Van Dyke who were as surprised as he was. This was published in quite a few newspapers and in Ripley's "Believe it or not"
Officer O'Brien retired in 1963. Died April 8, l971 in Bisbee, AR."
Officer O'Toole (1899)
Capt. James L. Owens (Early 1920's until his death in 1945.) ("He
was a Captain at the time of his death and for many years drove the old paddy wagon
picking up prisoners and drunks.") [Photograph]
- 21
John F. Owens (March 1949 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Larry Owens (deceased) - 19
Larry Ownes - 19
Capt. Owens (retired) - 19
William Padgett (killed in the line of
duty when shot by a demented man in the street who he was trying to persuade to go home)
- 19
Palmer, Michael "Tackleberry" (December 1989 - August 2000) - 66
("I was hired December 1989. I worked in the patrol division, motorcycle unit, narcotics unit then I was promoted to detective in 1997. I stayed in the detective division until I resigned on August 2000 and went to Delaware County Criminal Investigation Division where I'm presently working in the homicide unit.")
William Parker (late 70's-80's) - 14
Det. Tusco Perking - 19
Tusco M. Perkins (December 29, 1952 - retired) [Biography]
- 19
George T. "Soap" Pierce (1924-1/1/1945) - 3
Tom Pilkington - 19
Sgt. Larry Platt (retired) - 19
Theodore Pokoy (1974)
Cpl Ted Pokoy (1992) - 2
Anthony Polities Sr. (active detective) - 19
Anthony Polities Jr. (active) - 19
Joseph Pompilii (1998 - c. July 2003) #56, grandson of Officer Sylvester J. Pompilli, #56 and Officer John
Ryan, #58, g grandson of Officer Hugh Ryan - 40
(Rudy Pompilii - "Rudy Pompilii was never a police officer for the city of
Chester. He played for the band Bill Haley and the Comets.") - 19,
Sylvester J. Pompilii, #56 (Feb. 15, 1943 - 50's, 60's)
[Biography] - 40
Cleveland Posey (Chester officer for 7 years) (d. 2/29/1992) - 19
Capt. John A. Quigley (Feb. 15,
1943 - Served over 20 years,
retired c. 1965) [Biography] - 20
Capt. Aloysius A. Quinn (c. 1919-retired 1952)
Laverne Rambo (June 1, 1949 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
John R. Reed (c. 1930-1952)
Leroy Richardson (c. 1937 - 1954 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
William Riley (retired) - 19
William T. Ronan (10
yrs, Badge 26 Retired/disability. Hired 6-21-89 - 12-31-99.) - 60
Nathan Rosen (1925)
Wilmer A. Ruby, Sr. (April 15, 1937 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Hugh Ryan (d. 1925) "My great, great grandfather Hugh
Ryan who died in 1925 was also a police officer for Chester. He was the first motorcycle
cop they had." - 40
Sgt. John J. Ryan, #58 (Feb. 15, 1943 - 1950's) [Biography]
Son of Hugh J. Ryan - 40
Joseph W. Ryan (Dec. 10, 1941,
promoted to detective Apr. 15, 1951) [Biography]
Sgt. Ryan (deceased) - 19
Edward J. Sarnocinski (1949)
Frank Orion Schofield, Jr. (1940 - 1967) Joined the Chester Police Department in 1940, was promoted to Sergeant in the 1950's and retired as Captain in charge of the traffic division around 1967. He was born April 1909 and he has been deceased since April 1968. Our family resided in Eyre Park during the 50's and 60's (64 S. Eyre Dr.)
- 64
Adam Sendek (as of January 2002, retired from CPD and went to
Delaware County CID) - 19, 34
Richard Schott (briefly) - 19
Charles Shelly (active) - 19
Steve Sheppleman - 38
Gordon Shoates - 19
Richard Shott (c. 1969-1977-?)
Herman Simpson - 19
Bart Spedden (Apr. 15, 1950 -
?) [Biography] - 39, 62
Ed Spellacy, Sr. [Biography &
Picture] - 50
Robert F. Spicer, Jr. (March 15, 1950 - ?) - [Biography]
- 39, 62
Charlie Starr (Horse mounted 1930's) [Biography]
- 12
Frederick James Statter, Sr. (After WWI until retirement c. 1951) - 70
Capt. Gerald Steppke (retired c. 1977) - 19
Gerry Stepke Jr. (1974)
Roy Stewart (? - 1902 - April 1922 - ?) [Picture]
Floyd Sudler (retired) - 19
V. Sutter (active) - 19
Sgt. Donald Swanson (retired) - 19
Donald Swanson Jr. - 19
Officer Syfrit (1900)
Charles W. Tainter/Taintor (d. 1934)
Joseph D. Talarico (July, 1948 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
John Talbot (1925)
William Taylor - 19
Earl Thomas - 19
James Thomas (Oct. 10, 1945 - 1949 -?) [Biography]
Capt. Jim Thomas (retired) - 19
Elijah Thompson - (September 2000-Present) - 36
Clarence Todd (Feb. 15, 1943 - 1967) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Michael Trasatti (November 1989 - Present; Badge #65) - 48
Samuel (Sam) Truell - 31
Ronald Tussie (retired) - 19
Dave Tyler (1989 - Present, Badge #50), son of Det. John Tyler - 57
John Tyler (deceased) - 19
Wilbur Tyson - 19
Gale Vail (went to Trainer PD) - 19
Joseph Vankoski (December 10, 1941 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Sgt. Richard Vincent (retired) - 19
John Vincenzo (Badge #9) "I was sworn in as a Chester Police Officer on April 3, 1972. I was promoted to Sgt in 1996. I was injured on duty in November 1999 and retired on disability 12-31-2002."
- 65
Walter W. Voshelle (Jan. 1, 1953 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
Robert Walker (retired) - 19
Robert Walker (great softball player) - 19
Robert Waples - (September 2000-Present) - 36
Bob Weigand (active) - 24
Larry Weigand III (active) - 24
Capt. John Welc (1918-1983) (retired as a Captain December 31, 1975 after 30 years of
service) (deceased) [Biography] - 19, 46, 47
"My Father, John Welc was Captain in
the Chester Police Department. Retired in the Seventies. Will do research. I remember that
he joined on the Thirteen, his badge number was 13, and he helped birth 13 children. Many
articles about him in the newspapers.
He worked with Pokoy, Jim Thomas, Bart Spedden, just to name a few. Passed away January
11, 1983.
He also helped initiate the Vice Squad in Chester. He was the first person of Polish
Descent to become a Captain. Lived his whole life in the West End." - 46
"I know he started the Narcotics
squad at Chester. I worked for the narcotics squad in Chester in the mid 80's.
He also was involved with the West End Boat Club, President of the PNA group 650,
involved with the Pulaski Day Parades." - 47
Sgt. Paul Willard (April 23, 1973 -
Present, 2005)- 19
Washington Williams (before 1899)
Off Dickie Wilson (1992) - 2
Wendall Woodland (retired) - 19
Thomas Worrilow (now CID) - 19
Patrolman Herbert Wright (?-1927-?)
Herbert Wright, Jr. (c. 1954 - ?) [Biography]
- 39, 62
William Ross Zimmer
("...my great uncle, William Ross Zimmer, served on the
Chester Police Force. He and Vincent (Jimmy) June were the last of the
horse mounted police in Chester. When the horses were put out to pasture these men became
motorcycle mounted policemen. Bill Zimmer was a WW1 veteran and is buried in Soldier's
Circle at Chester Rural Cemetery.) - 27
Chester S. Zubrzycki (1960-1967) - 9 [Photograph
of Chester & Rex]
"My dad worked at the police
station as the dispatcher in the late 40's, early 50's until his death in 1954."
- 23
"My uncle Anthony Smith was the judge at the
police station from the 40's through to the 60's. I think he was called the city
magistrate. We called him "The Judge"." - 23
Many thanks to the
following for providing additional information for this page:
1 - Sue Waltz, i1tofish@conceptsnet.com
2 - John J
Hampel, catnicki@juno.com
3 - Tina
Culbertson, cupatea712@hotmail.com
4 - Lynda (Conner)
Trevillion, lyndat@satx.rr.com.
5 - Kathy
(Ettner) Konza, Irishkateek@cs.com, James Ettner's
6 - Patrick Mullen,
7 - Teresa Ewing, SLEDGESR@aol.com, Samuel Wm. Green's
8 - Bill
Crielly, NOVA1968@aol.com.
9 - Mark
zman_2000@hotmail.com, son and for photograph.
10 - Mary Connors
Tidball, mrspike2@prodigy.net,
11 - Donald
Winfree, winfree@flyernet.udayton.edu,
12 - John Robinson, jsr.shep@prodigy.net.
13 - William
McGoldrick, MidniteCop228@aol.com.
14 - April Sheerer, april13redz@aol.com,
15 - Ruthann
Parre, r.parre@worldnet.att.net,
16 - Mary MacLean
Birney, Kitchnmagi@aol.com,
17 - John A.
Bondrowski, jabone@snip.net.
18 - Faye D.
D'Amato-Sylvester, fayebadoddy@yahoo.com,
19 - David
Coulter, dave1209@msn.com.
20 - Ellen
granddaughter of Capt. John Quigley, Devon---@msn.com.
21 - Jim Owens,
grandson of James L. Owens, FIREPFD29@aol.com.
22 - Sgt. Joe
Bail, Jr., TCTSGT@aol.com
23 - Mike
Mangan, MANGAN0521@aol.com
24 - Bob
Weigand, BnMWEIGAND@aol.com.
25 - Tom Fennell, TOMATOROSE@msn.com.
26 - Geraldine S.
DeWald, deannie@snip.net, daughter-in-law of Jane
27 - Lee
Bennington, rlee3@webtv.net, great newphew of William
Ross Zimmer
28 - Joseph A.
Hampel, ashmir3@juno.com.
29 - Diane M.
(Spicer) Kennedy, hrdept@delcotimes.com,
30 - John Taylor,
Wilmington, DE.
31 - TERRYABJT@aol.com
32 - Pat (Savage)
Carr-Muffley, Patmdbiller@cs.com
33 - Helen M.
(Webber) Imburgia, HMWEBBER@aol.com
34 - Theresa
Kaisner, TKaisner@aol.com
35 - Major Joseph
W. Greenwalt, MajorJG@aol.com
36 - Chris Knight,
37 - Mrs. Lewis, adlmcd@home.com.
38 - DD776@aol.com.
39 - Patty
Boyle, daughter of Bobby
40 - Officer
Joseph Pompilii, POMP056@aol.com.
41 - James Brown, JBrown@gunnip.com, son of Michael "Pat"
42 - Josephine
(Jody) Denmark Shrom, Nanas597@cs.com, daughter of
Captain Joseph F. Denmark.
43 - Michael
Bingnear, son of Cpl Joseph Bingnear, via Diane (Vitelli) Morrison.
44 - son Mark
Lewandowski, Markusmc0321@aol.com
45 - son, James
MacColl, jjmaccoll@prodigy.net.
46 - Gunthrsmom@aol.com.
47 - Lisa E.
Perks, leperks@comcast.net.
48 - Michael
Trasatti, TRAZ2465@aol.com.
49 -
Geri Greenwalt Templin
50 - Ed
Spellacy, son, ESpel57070@cs.com.
51 - Kathleen
Archacki, karchacki@hotmail.com.
52 - George
Guyer, Jr., luck220@comcast.net.
53 - John
Greenhalgh, John2464@aol.com.
54 - Mark
Hager, great grandson
55 - Pat Elder, wife, elder130@comcast.net.
56 - Lisa Blickley Hallman, daughter, lhallman@voicenet.com.
57 - Dave
Tyler, bigty2450@comcast.net
58 - Doris O'Brien Chinn, Daughter
59 -
Carl Morelli, Jr. glen_fox@msn.com
60 - PENNY02130@aol.com
61 - John
C. Hausmann, Jr.
62 - Jane
Boyle, daughter of Bobby Boyle
63 -
John Kaisner, 63, Narcotics Division / Chief's Staff
64 - Frank
Orion Schofield, 3rd, son
65 - John
66 - Michael
"Tackleberry" Palmer
67 - Richard
Boles, son
68 - Officer
Marilyn N. Lee-Adams
69 - Officer
Paul M Battinieri
70 -
Susan Culbert, granddaughter
71 -
Kate Owens Bigelow, granddaughter
72 -
Frank Buonocore, son
73 -
Karen Fell
74 - Ed
75 - Sgt. Alan
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